Stop, and Listen Up

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you.”
— (Mark 4:24)

How do you think God speaks to you? I’ve never seen a burning bush or heard God’s strong voice on a mountaintop. Instead, God speaks to us in more subtle ways that benefit our hearts and minds. If we are not in tune with our intuition and other subtle mental cues, you can miss God’s attempt to reach out and assist you.

While Kimberly Fosu’s article, “3 Signs From the Universe to Stop Whatever It Is You’re Doing,” doesn’t address spiritual issues, her three signs offer wisdom we can use to listen for the divine. Fosu’s first sign of stopping is when you face “Delays and Roadblocks.” When you hit a delay or roadblock, don’t just complain and seek another quick solution. Instead, stop long enough to determine if there is a possibility you need protection. Most roadblocks are legitimate warnings of impending danger. From what might God be protecting you? Stop and prayerfully listen.

The second sign to stop is when you feel “Strange Gut-Feelings.” God enters our thoughts, but thoughts lead to physical reactions. If your gut is speaking to you, your thoughts must be strong, even if they start out being sub-conscious. Stopping long enough to listen prayerfully will often bring the subconscious to your consciousness. Finally, the third sign to stop is “Sickness and Accidents.” If you ignore your gut, your mind will make your body sick to get your attention. Accidents are also a sign of preoccupation, showing that you are too focused on a problem keeping you from meaningful living.

Today, stop at least once per hour and listen to your mind and body. Are there roadblocks or delays in your way now? Is your gut uncomfortable? What might it be telling you? Are you feeling sick, or are accidents happening around you? Asking those three questions will help determine whether God might be trying to get your attention. Remember, if God is taking time to speak to you, it is worth your time to stop and listen.


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