Embrace Your Life

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
— (Romans 15:13)

Embrace your life. Embrace the joys, frustrations, and even the sorrows. The more we fight our situation, the more we fight ourselves. When we fight ourselves, we cripple and even destroy our emotional and spiritual being. It takes courage to live a meaningful life. Living amidst setbacks, pain, and despair requires inner strength. Although no one is born with the necessary power, it is instilled through example and teaching. We learn a sense of perspective.

The Christian faith is fundamentally a religion of perspective. We must find our place in this world, with our God, and with those with whom we interact. But unfortunately, this perspective can be warped by narcissism or by diffidence. When we embrace a false self-image, we become incapable of fulfilling our divine calling or living a faithful and honorable life.

Knowing we are a child of God, given blessings and struggles, joys and injustices, we are called to live in the in-between. We live between the unfair hell of this earth and the perfection of God’s heavenly kingdom. Like Jesus, we will have moments when it feels like God is declaring, “This is my beloved, with whom I am well pleased,” and other times when, like Jesus, we cry out, “take this cup from me.” To live a meaningful life, we must live with integrity during times of joy and during times of sorrow.

Today, reflect on the blessings and struggles throughout your life. Ask yourself, “did I respond to joy with appropriate faith and integrity? Did I respond to despair with appropriate faith and integrity?” As we become more self-aware, we become strong in mind and faith. Integrity becomes second nature. God’s example and presence become as real and natural to us as breathing. Make this in-between time a gift, recognizing that in all situations, God is with us, providing the spiritual resources necessary to not only endure but to thrive.


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