Our Values
We hold scripture to be the revealed Word of God. It is our ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice. We interpret passages by understanding their context. We seek what they meant to those whom they were originally written by understanding the culture, the writer, the audience and the moment for which each passage was written.
We pattern our worship around scripture. We gather before the Word, hear the Word proclaimed, participate in the sacraments that are signs and seals of the Word and we respond to the Word with our tithes and offerings as we lay down our lives to be used in God’s kingdom.
LGBTQ Inclusion
We welcome all people to full participation at all levels in our congregation, regardless of age, race, gender, marital status, physical condition, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic background, economic status, or any other human condition.
Gender Egalitarianism
We celebrate the ordination of women as Elders and Pastors. We affirm the vocation of women in all forms of leadership and teaching ministry. We believe God equally gifts women and men for all forms of work in the world. We believe spouses are called equally to mutual submission in marriage.
The Sacraments
As the gathered people of God we celebrate the sacraments of communion and baptism. We baptize both adults who make their own profession of faith, and infants and children brought by their parents who make an affirmation of faith.
Our Presbyterian Church (USA) Connectionalism
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We value our connections and shared missions with our local congregations in Iowa and our national mission and network.

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