We welcome you with open arms.

Hi, I'm Scott Paczkowski, the Senior Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Des Moines, Iowa.
I want to let you know that not all churches exclude the LGBTQ Community. We welcome all of you with open arms. We believe that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and that includes you as you are. Which is why we want to take this time with you to let you know that you are loved by a God that wants to have a relationship with you.
I’m Drew Robertson, the Youth Director at Westminster.
It is my priority that when our youth gathers, we are affirming, inclusive, welcoming, real, and fun because that’s the love that God shows to us, and it’s the love that we want to extend to you.
20 years ago, our church adopted an inclusivity statement and it is an important part of who we are today. It states,
“We welcome all persons as participants in our congregation regardless of age, race, gender, marital status, physical condition, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic background, economic status, or any other human condition.”
This statement directs how we interact with our community and the world we live in.
But these words are hollow without action, which is why we use inclusive language in Scripture readings and liturgy, have multiple gender-neutral restrooms in our church, and regularly participate in Des Moines' Pride Fest. Our LGBTQ+ Partnership group has also sponsored many classes and events to educate and inspire our congregation and community.
We do all this because God has loved and accepted us, and we want to extend that love and acceptance to you.
God has called you by name, even if it isn’t the name you were given at birth.
You are God’s beloved child.
Anyone who has told you differently, told you wrong.
God loves you just as you are.
You matter.
You belong,
and we welcome you at Westminster.
Contact us at drobertson@westpres.org to get connected.