Music and Arts
No matter what age, skill level, or availability, we have ensembles for you to participate in! These ensembles are not only avenues for musical expression, but more importantly they are sources of community and growing in faith, love, and joy.
Westminster Chorale
The Westminster Chorale is back to in-person rehearsals and singing opportunities! The Chorale is the main choir at Westminster and leads hymns, responses and an anthem each week in the worship service. There is no audition process, so all people are welcome to join this ensemble. For more information, email Aaron Schultz, the Director of Music and Arts.
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm (music room)
Children’s Music
Our Children’s Ensembles include Bitty Bells (a handbell ensemble for preschool-2nd grade children), Children’s Choir (2nd-5th grade) and Youth Choir (6th-12th grade). These groups rehearse on Wednesday evenings during the Children and Youth program starting at 6:00pm.
Wednesdays from 6:00-6:30pm
Handbell Choirs
We have two Handbell Ensembles, the main Westminster Handbell Choir (open to all interested people) and the Handbell Ensemble (a smaller ensemble for intermediate and advanced ringers). The Westminster Handbell Choir rehearses every Wednesday night and the Handbell Ensemble rehearses periodically on Sunday mornings following the worship service. For more information regarding these groups, email Juli Bey, the Handbell Director.
Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00pm (bell room)
Intergenerational Band
The Intergenerational Band is an opportunity for instrumentalists from all ages and skill levels to play music at Westminster. Each instrumental part has written music with a range of levels to make musicians' experience in the band as welcoming as possible. This ensemble plays periodically throughout the church year to accommodate busy schedules.
Virtual Ensembles at Westminster
Take a listen to some of the Virtual Ensembles we recorded during our “live-stream only” days of the pandemic. While these recording sessions were a lot of fun, we are glad to be back making music in person!
God Is Our Refuge By: Allen Pote - Text from Psalm 46. Westminster Virtual Choir - Director/Production: Aaron Schultz; Pianist: Juli Bey; Robert Railey - Trumpet. Church Music/Streaming Licenses CCLI: #11161622 and CCS: #12829
With a Voice of Singing By: Martin Shaw. Performed by the Westminster Virtual Choir - Director/Video Production: Aaron...
God’s Grace - By: Valerie W. Stephenson. Performed by the Westminster Handbell Choir - Directed by Juli Bey - Audio/Video Production by Aaron Schultz - Westminster Pr...
This is My Father's World Arranged by: Sandra Eithun. Westminster Handbell Choir - Directed by: Juli Bey Ringers: SCOTT BLACKETERKARLA KILLINGERBOB RAILEYGARY HARTSO...
Meet Aaron Schultz
Director of Music and Arts
Aaron Schultz joined Westminster’s staff in 2019. He has a BM-Music in Worship from North Park University in Chicago, IL and a MA in Music Ministry from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. Aaron is particularly interested in how liturgy and worship music respects and reflects Christianity’s rich history while also speaking truth into our particularity and ecumenical sharing of experiencing God. To learn more about Aaron’s work, you can visit his website Liturgy of Being by clicking on the button below.