Self-Sabotage No More!

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
— (John 16:33)

Why do some people always seem to self-sabotage their lives? These individuals blame others and become cynical. Sadly, their ability to reclaim their lives is right in front of their face, but it just cannot be seen. In his article, “7 Psychological Reasons You Keep Self-Sabotaging,” Nick Wignall opens the door to self-sabotage and names the issues to address in one’s heart and mind. I would like to raise a few that I haven’t spent much time reflecting on in previous devotions.

Wignall points out how “Limiting beliefs” can short-circuit our lives. When we create the story of how we hope our lives will unfold, we should not design life so small it will not make a meaningful difference. Most of us underestimate our potential because we can only succeed if we keep our attempts limited. There are few things more painful than looking back at our life and saying, “I could have done so much more.”

This limiting view of ourselves often comes when “You don’t know what you want.” We are so concerned about our kids’ grades but usually do not spend enough time focusing on what they enjoy, naturally gravitate to, or for which they have a divine gift. Suddenly, young persons are graduating from High School and are already lost. At every stage of life, transitions should not just happen but should be planned for and prayed over. Retirement is another moment when you need to evaluate God’s calling at this new stage of life.

Finally, self-sabotage occurs because “You don’t enforce your boundaries.” Your life is difficult enough to manage without others trying to control your life for you. When you do not respect your boundaries, you should ask yourself, are you “teaching your brain if you’re in the habit of setting boundaries with people then constantly giving in or not enforcing those boundaries? You’re teaching it that what you want isn’t really important – or at least, it’s not as important as what other people want.” Today, pray for the wisdom and courage to reclaim your life so it can be offered to God rather than continue self-sabotage.  


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