Reintroducing “The Artist’s Way”
written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ”
Almost 30 years ago, I was inspired by the book written by Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way. I am not alone; it was a blessing for millions of people seeking to enhance their creativity in a world that seemed to strip us of our creative spirit. Not that much has changed. Cameron’s work continues to inspire. I was impressed with the “Spiritual Path” she described, and I would like to remind you of her inspiring work, or introduce you, if you haven’t yet read, The Artist’s Way. Over the next several days, we will reflect on Cameron’s message. It is a beneficial way of looking at this Lenten season.
I’d been a pastor for five years and just finished my doctoral work. In those five years, I got married, was ordained, served a church, was a municipal judge, became a father, and received my doctoral degree. Uff da! It was so much, so fast, I felt I was losing my creativity. Providing meaningful sermons has many parts, including study, prayer, contemplation, and creativity. Even my administrative process suffered. When overwhelmed, creativity is often the first to be lost.
Feeling internal pressure to be articulate and meaningful to those who attend worship on Sunday mornings, I knew I needed to address the issue. At the same time, The Artist’s Way guided my renewal. I appreciated Cameron’s Spirituality included Christianity, along with other religious faiths. It wasn’t just secular self-help. She also required personal reflection from her readers. She expected the reader to think about her words and do some personal homework. Finally, I loved that her concept of creativity was more expansive than just painters and sculptors. Cameron understood that each of us is creative in different ways. A drawing, a sermon, business management, even mowing the lawn can be a creative process if we treat it creatively.
Today, it is crucial that you consider your creative process. What creativity do you bring to your life and activities? How might your life be more interesting if you introduced your inner creativity to each of your life’s actions? Then, invite God into the process because God is the one who created and sustains our creative spirit.
I look forward to introducing or reintroducing The Artist’s Way to you. Together, we will experience a more profound, divinely inspired artistic way of viewing the world.
Learn more about “The Artist’s Way” Here.