Genuine Love

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
— (Isaiah 41:10)

Mainline Protestants too often deny the role of Evangelism in the practice of the Christian faith. The congregation I serve was unwilling to have a committee named Evangelism and instead renamed it “connections.” Evangelism is more than making a connection. Evangelism is God’s love defined, offered, and instituted within a world longing for divine care and acceptance. Yet, a connection is a foundational aspect of Christian Evangelism. We find divine love and meaning in one’s connection with God and others.

I was deeply influenced by Erich Fromm’s foundational book, The Art of Loving, in college. Fromm helped me understand the meaning of “Genuine Love.” Fromm states, “Genuine love happens when two people join together while still maintaining their individual identities.” God did not create clones or robots. God created us in the divine image yet makes each of us unique. God honors our individual identities. God would have had a much easier time if we were cloned or robotic. God was less concerned with ease and more concerned with loving us in our myriad uniqueness’s.

In Jesus, God left the heights of perfection and was willing to walk in the muck of humanity for love as an equal. Jesus came to affirm humanity as worthy of divine attention and love. Fromm demonstrates “optimism” as a vital aspect of love. “In order to fully express genuine love, you have to be optimistic about the power of love to help people grow into the best versions of themselves.”  When God is included in the act of loving, we have reason to be optimistic that genuine love with God and others can thrive in our lives.

Finally, Fromm confirms that living with genuine love is only possible when we live intentionally. Fromm calls us to “Zealously pursue your interests, be mindful of your surroundings and your own inner states, and focus on becoming the best possible version of yourself.” Genuine love grows when we try to be the best possible version of ourselves. When we evangelize, we offer others the opportunity to experience acceptance, optimism through hope, and the ability to live an intentional life of divine love. Our identities will forever be recognized as loving and accepted. With God’s love and affirmation, we have the belief necessary to live lives of integrity and meaning. Thank you, Erich Fromm, for describing love in a way that expresses God’s care.


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