Easy Isn’t Always Easy

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” (Isaiah 41:13)

Every person in this world desires a full and meaningful life. Some people, by being born into injustice cannot imagine a life of hope and joy. Yet, most of us are fortunate enough to have dreams and goals. Some people fulfill most of their desires and live life with a certain sense of fulfillment. But, far too often, people feel their dreams are never realized and are left with disappointment.

As first world people, we have a lifetime of opportunities to limit our discomforts. The problem comes when we focus on making our life as easy as possible. Trying to make our lives simple and comfortable is an illusion. Often, the more we seek ease, the more difficult our lives become. In “The Strange and Subtle Way You Can Ruin Your Life (Possibly Without Even Noticing You Are)” Ayodeji Awosika addresses the challenge of ruining your life through trying to create a life of ease.

The first challenge, according to Awosika, is to remove one word from your vocabulary. That word is “eventually.” When we put off our most important priorities in life because they are too difficult, our inaction leaves us frustrated and disappointed. Awosika’s other concern is worrying more about other people’s opinion than your own. Pleasing others can feel like an easy release. “My life will be easier if I can just keep her/him happy with me.” Yet, in the process, you lose your sense of self.

At this moment, stop and prayerfully ask God to give you the courage to face the difficult, when it is a healthier pathway to joy. Some people create difficulties so they can feel more alive or in control. If you are that type of person, stop reading, this devotion does not address your needs. If you are someone who tries to seek the easy way in life, consider what most benefits you but you have not yet fulfilled. Set the goals and process to make it happen. Finally, decide whether you are going to stop using the word “eventually,” and make the commitment to improve yourself, or take the easy road and put it off.


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Transformation as Evangelism