Transformation as Evangelism

For God is not a God of chaos but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints.(1 Corinthians 14:33)

One of the reasons people have given up on the Christian faith is because they look at us and they do not see any change in our lives. We appear as stressed, dysfunctional, and selfish as anyone else. Each day the world becomes more complex and chaotic, and outsiders view Christianity as a belief in mythological stories no longer relevant to our post-modern world. The best evangelism we can do at this point in human history is to work on our mental health, emotional maturity, and spiritual growth. Only when others see the difference in us will they take the time to reconsider Christ in their lives.

One of the reasons the early Church multiplied was that the same people who heard Jesus and met his small band of misfit Apostles and disciples witnessed how the simple people became faithful, strong, and wise in their faith commitment. Pentecost, and the experience of the Holy Spirit’s impact on their decision-making, made them better people. In a chaotic world, people still yearn for divine transformation. We must address a chaotic world with spiritual calm. A calm that comes through a relationship with God; who guides our hearts and minds and gives us an eternal perspective which helps keep a sense of order when all around you is a mess.

To faithfully address the chaos in life, we must first accept that we will never be able to order our world. Chaos is the norm in our fallen world. It is essential to work with the Spirit to make a calmer countenance a priority. Next, a faith worth following is one where selfless care, justice for others, and the wisdom to make a difference in God’s name. When we continually turn to God for the gift of compassion, justice, and wisdom, we will overcome the chaos and help others see the blessing of faith in our Triune God. What we do does make a lasting difference in the lives we touch.


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