God Transforms Deficits

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

And Saul said to David, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him, for you are but a youth, and he has been a man of war from his youth.”
— (1 Samuel 17:33)

I’ve fallen into the trap of watching YouTube videos. I’ve learned about software options, productivity, and living with optimism, along with funny dog videos. Unfortunately, some of these videos were a total waste of time. You can tell when someone is peddling a product and getting a kickback. Occasionally, the recommendations are insightful. I cannot remember the video’s title, but I was impressed by its content. This video discussed the need for each of us to change our outlook when we believe our life is full of deficits.

The video’s argument was that much of what we call deficits are opportunities. For example, one person said that growing up with few finances was not a deficit but a blessing. Having few resources required him to strive harder. Further, he said, “When you do not have a lot, it forces you to find creative ways of making things work.” Learning to address challenges makes you more independent and creative, which allows you to strive in new ways. Unfortunately, the video continued that those who have every blessing in life are sometimes not hungry enough to be driven simultaneously.

The Bible often tells stories affirming those who struggle and overcome. The first one who comes to mind is David. The youngest, he was the least in his family. Yet, his lonely hours' herding sheep allowed him to practice using his slingshot to protect his flock. As a result, David’s small slingshot defeated mighty Goliath. David, God’s cherished one, continues to face struggles throughout his life, including running from a violent king, and each time he overcomes and becomes stronger.

Today, remember, what might, at first glance, look like a deficit, can also be your most significant attribute. Deficits require us to admit our fallibility, which leads us to rely on God. Prayerfully bring your deficits before God and let the divine One transform your deficit into a blessing. If you do not give up, and continue to trust God, what the world calls deficits will be your greatest motivation, and God will guide your efforts.


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