Finding Yourself in God’s Story

Written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.’
— John 20:21 (NRSV)

Abraham, Moses, even the prophets were not Divine humans. Jesus intentionally picked the Apostles based on their humble beginnings. Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, and Paul were all unexceptional people who had extraordinary lives because they became part of God’s story. You and I are unexceptional people. Within six generations, odds are, no one will even remember our names let alone our impact on the world. Yet, the Holy Spirit can allow our lives to be meaningful if we become part of God’s story.


God’s story is not something we earn. We cannot strive to be Varsity, Junior Varsity, or even make the pros in God’s story. All we can do is seek to serve humbly. Then, we leave the results up to God. We may never write a letter that becomes sacred Scripture like Paul, or take a walk to the cemetery and witness the Resurrection, like Mary, but we can still make a positive difference in God’s larger story.


Because God’s story isn’t primarily about any one of us individually, our calling is to do our job and trust God to put the individual actions together. Let God put the vast earthly puzzle together and spend your time striving to remain faithful and trusting. Prayerfully listen to God’s call for your life and then respond.


If you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life, it is no longer your responsibility to ask why or question God’s process. It makes life less complex and our role less overwhelming. We are to listen and respond. Something is comforting in knowing the world isn’t on our shoulders. We are not the story. We are simply pieces in the Divine puzzle that is as expansive as the universe is immense. Today, accept your role. Listen and respond, and trust God to take your humble life and make it part of God’s vast story of redemption and renewal.


Productivity: A Divine Quest


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