Don’t Be a Poser

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of humanity.
— (2 Corinthians 8:21)

We would all like to think we are intelligent individuals. However, recognizing the difference between intelligent individuals and posers can be challenging to differentiate. You might say, “who cares whether someone is intelligent or just a poser?” However, a manipulative poser can influence many people, and if they are not intelligent, the damage can be disastrous. Therefore, recognizing intelligence in others and nurturing it within oneself is essential to a healthy and meaningful life.

The writer Valerio speaks to the issue of intellect in the article “Unnoticed Traits of Intelligent People” that there are specific qualities that intelligent consciously and subconsciously nurture. According to Valerio, intelligent individuals “are quite compatible.” You can have an I.Q. of 180, but you are not very intelligent if you cannot communicate and relate to others. Valerio points out intelligent people “can adapt to any environment,” which requires giving and receiving support from others. Even the most knowledgeable person cannot be their best working alone.

Next, intelligent people ponder the big questions. Gossip and petty dramas hold little interest to the intelligent. Considering complex ideas leads to “very big projects and dreams that seem impossible. And when people tell him [her] you can’t do it, he [she] gets more gassed. He [she] works more enthusiastically.” To make big ideas and dreams come true, intelligent people also must admit and address “how much they don’t know.” Intelligent people are lifelong learners, and the basic premise of learning acknowledges we still have more to learn. The desire to learn comes with an unquenchable curiosity.

Today, prayerfully ask God to nurture your intellect. Then seek opportunities to enable compatibility with others, adapt to changing situations, and consider complex ideas. When we practice these values and acknowledge there is more to learn, we can embrace intelligence with integrity that will nurture community and strengthen our faith. Then we can be assured of not channeling the inner poser and comfortable recognizing a poser in our midst.


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