Beyond Our Influence

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

In God’s hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all humanity.
— (Job 12:10)

If you read this devotion, you are probably a dedicated, hardworking person. Successful people are problem-solvers. They do not accept the world as it is but strive for what it can be. Whether we articulate it in words or leave it at the edge of our consciousness, we are searching for an ideal future that doesn’t exist. If we cannot accept living in an unfair world, our lives will remain frustrating and filled with disappointment.

We can control things in this life, and there are issues well beyond our ability to change. However, we learn the difference through emotional and spiritual maturity and let go of the challenges beyond our ability to fix directly. Not being able to control everything does not mean we are without hope. It simply means our influence must come from beyond ourselves. It is faith in our Triune God where hope and power remain.

Faith in God is not just a way for weak people to escape the reality of the world’s injustice and death. No, it takes people of solid character, dedication, and devotion to God and others to make the changes under their control and offer the Almighty our prayerful concerns, trusting God to make a lasting difference in areas beyond our scope of influence.

Today, pray to our God who created this world, redeemed humanity, and sustains us through all life’s trials. Ask for the wisdom to know what we can change and what we must hand over to the divine One. Do not be controlled by your ego, but by God's self-giving love and commitment through Jesus Christ. Build your trust in God by handing over what you do not have the power to change and allow the Spirit’s comfort and strength to wash over you. When you do, your hard work and dedication, along with God’s Almighty power, will make a lasting difference in this world.


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