A Better Advancement

“For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure,…” (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Our contemporary society is programmed to avoid discomfort at all costs. Our medical research has guided us well through our physical pains. The dramatic evolution of medical advancement will continue to relieve pain and extend our earthly life. We humans are nearly godlike in our ability to manipulate God’s creation. It is too bad that we are unable to have such a positive impact on otherworldly afflictions.

We are unable to find successful ways of dealing with the unstable nuclear situation in North Korea. Our economy appears stable, but the middle class continues to diminish. I do not even need to mention the lack of ethical, political leadership in our own country, to say nothing of the corruption and evil in places like Russia and other places around the globe.

We pretend to have control over our lives. We have enough money to put food on the table, drive a car, and perhaps even stretch to make the internet bill. We disregard all the ways our lives depend on situations beyond our control.

It is the wise person who understands the reality of the situation. Living in a fantasy is neither wise nor beneficial. Facing our tenuous reality provides an alternative, accurate understanding of our world. While we do not possess the power to control our world, we have access to a power greater than our imitations.

This imperfect world leaves us with cancer, poor leadership, and weak economies. Thankfully, this is not as good as it gets. Our God, the creator, redeemer, and sustainer, continues to create, redeem, and sustain. Amid our fears and struggles, God is at work. God is “preparing a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21).” Truth, justice, equality, emotional and physical health will be ours for all eternity. Just imagine what this good news must mean to someone with ALS or a severe case of Bipolar disorder!

Think about all the challenges before you and our world today. We do this not to add to our emotional and spiritual burden but so we can recognize, yet again, our need for God. Then, take a moment and dream. Think about what a joy it would be for justice to rain down from the heavens. What it would be like for truth to come out of every mouth—equality to be the norm—perfect health and well-being for everyone and all creatures. Remember, no matter what you create in your mind, it will be even better. God can dream better than you and me and make those dreams come true!


The Hands of Christ


Stepping Up at the Worst Time