The Hands of Christ

So we are ambassadors for Christ since God is making his appeal through us…"

(2 Corinthians 5:20)

I dearly love this old devotional story about a statue of Jesus that stood in Germany. During World War II, the Allied forces bombed the town, and they severely damaged the statue of Jesus. The statue's head was decapitated, and the arms were blown off. After the war, the German people came out and attempted to find the pieces of statue amidst the rubble and begin the repair.

In their search, they found the head of Jesus under a slab of concrete. Others saw an arm here and another arm there. The locals discovered little pieces in different places. When they finished cleaning up, the people were horrified to learn that the hands were nowhere to be found. Someone shouted, "We cannot have a Jesus without hands!" They decided to place a plaque with the surviving statue of Jesus, which reads, "I have no hands but your hands to do my work today. I have no feet but your feet to lead men on the way. I have no tongue but your tongue to tell men how I died. I have no help but your help to lead them to my side. We as believers in Christ are His hands, feet and tongue to a lost and hurting world. It is time that we ask ourselves what we are doing to show people the love of Jesus."

We are "ambassadors for Christ" because we have the hands to continue Jesus' work. Today, ask yourself what you can do to be Christ's hands. Look around your community. What do you wish God would fix today? Well, we have Christ's hands. It is time for us to put them to good use.


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A Better Advancement