Get Out of the Disruptive Cycle of Perfectionism

“Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3)

If I could say one thing to my young self, it would be, “Scott, relax; God has got this, even in the tough times!” There havebeen many reasons for anxiety and even fear, from complicated surgeries to professional challenges. I am not alone. Manypeople over the age of 50 have PTSD due to trauma experienced. Trying to avoid painful moments isn’t the only answer. Some struggles are unavoidable. Instead, we are called to remain balanced and retain control over what we have the power to address.


The more successful we become, the more expectations people place upon us. It becomes a vicious cycle spinning faster and faster until no alternative appears other than continual perfection. In his article “How To Stay Balanced,” Dan Pedersen points out, “Chasing perfection is likely to cause us to be even less perfect.” We will never have life all figured out. Even if we could redo our lives, knowing what we know now, we would simply make other mistakes. Perfection will always allude us in this world.


Pedersen continues, “We don’t have life all figured out, we just have to be at peace.”  When we slow down our vicious internalcycle, it gives us time to reflect on ways to be at peace with our imperfections and those in this world. Pedersen claims, “Peace will get you closer to perfection than years of personal development ever will.” We do not need to have the world under our control; we simply need to face life with divine peace.


Pedersen helps us understand peace when he states, “Peace is about letting go.” It also requires creating an environment where peace is nurtured. If you are continually sabotaging yourself to create drama or nurturing relationships with people who are a disruptive force, you will add to your struggle. Befriending challenging people is not wrong, but we must recognize the demands and add peace from other parts of our lives. Seek God’s peace and trust God’s perfection rather than your own.


Argh! The Little Things Make My So Angry


Replacing the Fake Self with Emotional Intelligence