A Note from Pastor Scott

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, at the beginning of our Annual Meeting, a police officer escorted a woman from the building and ensured she left the grounds. The officer informed her that if she ever returned, she would be arrested. Her disruption was calculated and is not something new. The Session, staff, and some members experienced harassment, were insulted, and verbally abused by this woman over fifteen years. After a lengthy process of faithful consideration, the Session approved having a Police Officer remove the person if she showed up because of the potential to disrupt Westminster’s ministry.

I would like to clarify that this person has not been a physical threat to anyone. She has mainly communicated by hundreds, or perhaps a thousand, emails trying to be disruptive. While we are an open and inclusive congregation, that does not give someone the right to act offensively. Westminster’s staff and Session have worked for many years to support this person, but her responses remain unhealthy.

Westminster has also worked with the Presbytery to attempt to care for this individual, but they, too, have been unable to help this person make positive changes. Therefore, after years of trying, the Session revoked this person’s membership in consultation with the Presbytery of Des Moines. Additionally, the Session utilized lawyers to provide relief from her inappropriate actions.

As your pastor and moderator of the Westminster Session, I want to affirm that we do not believe the person is a physical threat to anyone. She has not shown us any indication of physical violence. We’ve taken action to keep her from exacting emotional trauma on individuals and to exert control, so she cannot continue to disrupt the ministry of our congregation. Currently, I am not sharing the person’s name, so there is still time for her to repent of her actions and begin anew in a different congregational setting. Please pray for her to find peace and make emotionally healthy choices.

In Christ,

Dr. Scott Paczkowski, Sr. Pastor


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