Easter Isn’t Over

If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. (Romans 8:11)

I got up yesterday morning feeling a little blue—all the buildup and rushing around with the process of Holy Week and Easter morning implementation. Our daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons were here for a few days, and WHAM, it is all over! Then I remembered the Church liturgical calendar. The Easter season continues from April 9-May 27. Then, we will celebrate Pentecost and recognize a new set of blessings.

Further, Easter doesn’t end with a calendar change. Easter continues every day since Jesus unwrapped his graveclothes and walked out of the tomb. We are free from the bondage of sin and death. That means our sin and the world's sin will not ultimately win. God will not give up on us or this world. Instead, God takes the next loving step by freeing us from death.

Wait, we still die. True, but like Jesus, our death is for a short duration, and then we are resurrected like Jesus. Live Easter each day without fearing failure or God casting us aside. Instead, we are loved and healed by divine power and intimate care. Today, open your heart in prayer by finding a quiet spot and, over and over, repeat the words, “Thank you!” As you say “Thank you,” you affirm God in adoration and allow your conscious and unconscious mind room for the Holy Spirit to move and grow within you. Faith isn’t just about affirmation, but also relationship. You and God should be like the old couple who can spend an evening together, not speaking much but feeling close at the moment.


Be a Spiritual Roadrunner and Not a Naughty Old Coyote


Christian Shame