Christian Shame

He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. (Psalm 33:5)

For decades, the United States Evangelical Christians intentionally made Uganda their foothold in Africa. As Evangelical Christian power grew, so did their manipulative practices. Many indigenous Ugandans became Christian because they were pushed out of business otherwise. Evangelical groups told converts they were only to do business with other Christians. As this narrow form of Christianity grew, their converts became more intolerant. Soon, conversion was not because people developed a relationship with our Triune God but to get a job or keep their business from being shunned. Manipulation and threat are not evangelism.

In 2023, Evangelical Christian abuse increased to the point that The Washington Post wrote a March 22, 2023, article entitled, "Ugandan law criminalizes being LGBTQ amid crackdown on homosexuality." Authors Niha Masih and Rael Ombuor confirm, "Uganda passed legislation that compels life imprisonment for being LGBTQ and the death penalty for gay sex with a minor amid a widening crackdown on sexual minorities in the Christian-majority nation in East Africa." At first glance, you might say, "sex with a minor is horrible." Yet, notice only gay sex is punishable by death. Somehow gay sex with a minor is "worse" than heterosexual sex with a child. Further, the implication that gay people are likelier to have sex with minors is unwarranted and false.

Rev. Musa Ecweru, a Ugandan minister, announced to parliament, to loud cheers, "In our country, we will have our morals, we will protect our children." "We are going to reinforce the law enforcement officers to make sure that homosexuals have no space in Uganda." These unchristian attitudes were brought to Uganda by Evangelical Protestant missionaries. Hate, in the name of Christ! Uganda's President even went so far as to call LGBTQ people "mercenaries" and "prostitutes," and compare homosexuality to a form of "social imperialism."

Why have so many people turned their backs on the Christian faith? Those who believe in a God of love, acceptance, and divine justice must stand up and evangelize! If not, Christianity will continue to be painted most cruelly until the only ones left calling on the name of Christ are doing so through violence and death. So today, pray for our Christian religion. Pray for us to stand tall and loudly shout down the injustice, hypocrisy, and sinful hatred. If we do not speak now, there may not be Christianity with any integrity and love left in this world!


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