The Spirituality of Mental Health Care

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14:27)

Mental health is a spiritual issue because forms of mental illness can be so overwhelming we become incapable of seeing beyond our immediacy, leaving little room to recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, one of the most important ways we can prepare disciples of Jesus Christ is to help provide care for millions who will require support at some point.

“Mental Health is Advancing But Still Ailing” by Dr. Jan Patterson supports the need for mental health support and still more needed. Dr. Johnson celebrates the improvements made by the pharmaceutical industry but remains concerned about costs, insurance, and other reasons that keep helpful medications out of the hands of those who need them the most. Along with medications, few psychiatrists are not nearly enough to meet our nation’s health challenges. The lack of psychiatrists and medication is particularly crucial in our state of Iowa, where we rank in the bottom five states in the entire U.S. of A. for mental health care.

Dr. Johnson states, “One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness annually.” Doing the math means that 190 of our church members require assistance annually. In addition, our members’ families, colleagues, neighbors, and even strangers impact our lives daily. Ignoring mental health issues weakens our societal structures and damages our lives.

Medications alone will not provide a cure. Drugs have side effects and produce withdrawal and potential abuse. While medications are often necessary, we also require counseling and other support for continued well-being. Today, pray for the political winds to change so states will work for more mental health support. Then, continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring the knowledge necessary to continue new learning and medication improvements. Mental health care is a spiritual enterprise that brings hope to a hopeless world.


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