Mentoring Is a Divine Call

Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

I am a mentor to a fourth grader at a local elementary school. The young man is my second mentee, and I’ve enjoyed both experiences. The two boys are different, but each has unique interests and gifts. Watching my latest mentee grow, learn, and mature is meaningful. I pray for him daily and trust God has a special call for his life. Being a mentor is a sacred relationship with many Bible examples.

Samuel was David’s mentor. Samuel announced God’s intention to deny King Saul and call David the divine choice for the monarch. Humble Samuel was willing to teach, support, and even chastise the newfound king. Before long-suffering, Elijah has whisked away to heaven without dying; he finds and nurtures Elisha so the younger man can take the older man’s place. Timothy is dragged along on the Apostle Paul’s journey because Paul knew he couldn’t get everywhere with the gospel message. Even the Messiah used the mentor model by calling apostles and disciples to listen, learn, and eventually take his place.

Mentoring used to happen organically. Carpenters, plumbers, and many other trades used apprentices. In high school, my friend and I learned from his father how to shingle a roof by shingling the family’s large garage/barn. I learned how to be a minister more from my mentor, Rev. Allen Montgomery, than from my years in seminary. We learn by doing. We can learn to do something wrong with a poor example. We can learn to do something well with a mature and informed mentor. The church is ideally suited to be a place where mentors and mentees find and support one another.

Today, prayerfully consider how you can trust God to create a mentor/mentee bond. You have skills you can offer to someone who could benefit from your experience and care. Everyone also needs someone to care, listen, and pray for them. God uses us for a time, and then we hand the responsibility to another. The more we can establish meaningful connections of support, the stronger our world will be for generations. The mentoring model has been used throughout history by God. Mentoring is worth our time, energy, and care. Look for opportunities to share yourself with others.


Responding to Mass Shooters


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