Worth the Effort

And the Lord answered me: ‘Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2)

I’ve committed to writing daily devotions in the last few years, and my spiritual life has found greater depth. Writing has been a form of thinking through my hopes, vision, and beliefs. Offering devotions was a frightening ordeal when I began. I was not a confident writer. The demands of writing five devotions per week, in addition to my other responsibilities, seemed daunting. Perhaps my worst fear was that I would run out of things to say to all of you within a few weeks. The fact that I am still writing years later shows that the Spirit is coming to my side and guiding me along the way.

The process of writing has made me think in new ways. Writing to Learn is a forty-year-old masterpiece used for academic study at major Universities for decades. Its author, William Zinsser, proclaims, “Anyone who thinks clearly should be able to write clearly-about any subject at all.” I’ve combined theology with psychology, sociology, anthropology, and many other subjects to guide my readers to embrace the idea that spirituality is not compartmentalized but weaves its way through all of life.

Zinsser introduces his idea of the “‘three R’s-they should be reading,’ riting and reasoning. Together they add up to learning.” Spirituality and reason are not opposed. We should not leave our reason at the doors to the church building when we crack our Bibles; or as we come before God in prayer. Zinsser recognizes, “Reasoning is a lost skill of the children of the TV generation.” Almost everyone alive today was, and continues to be, part of the screen generation, be it a TV screen, computer, or cell phone screen. Reason and organized thought are endangered.

An endangered reason means faith with integrity is also endangered. So today, begin a process of writing down your beliefs. Even if you only write something down once weekly, your thoughts will take shape. As you write, your reflection will become more apparent, and you will clarify your vision. Each time you write, begin with prayer. Allow the Spirit to focus your reason and interpret your learning through the truth of God’s wisdom. If you do, God will speak to you with greater depth. It is worth the effort.


Creatively Remaking Life


Dear God