Surprised by God Yet Again

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

I just got home from a long day, and I am exhilarated. I, too, am surprised a long day ended in exhilaration and not exhaustion. I am too! I am writing this devotion on Wednesday night, and I had a great time teasing the children and being teased. Then I visited the men’s group while we cleaned up after the church dinner. Again, God felt present and intimate tonight. It wasn’t the prayers or even the choirs singing; it was the love in the room.

At one point, I just sat back and watched the room. Children were talking to their parents. That was as shocking as the Biblical imperative that the lion lay down with the lamb. Even more apocalyptic, the youth and children were interacting. At that moment, I could imagine how the early church felt. A group of people, amid a complex and often harsh world, finding peace and faith in a community of support, care, and love.

Developing a caring community like this one doesn’t happen overnight. Community requires being a consistent presence. Young and older individuals value being part of this faith family. They didn’t start coming on Wednesday evenings hoping to be part of a bigger family. Most started coming to give their children a meaningful Christian education. Others come to nurture their relationship with God. Still, others came because they enjoyed singing in the choir or just wanted to be around others in a supportive environment. I doubt many consciously wanted to create a loving and supportive family as their reason for coming on Wednesday nights.

Yet, God has a way of taking one situation and turning it into an even more meaningful experience than we could have envisioned. Who could have believed that families in a few house churches 2000 years ago would turn into the largest religion in the world? God transforms events and relationships, providing even more impactful spiritual experiences. When you include God and God’s church in your life, you will occasionally have transformative moments of divine love filling your heart. Wednesday, I had one of those blessed, transformative moments. Pray daily, and you will experience your moments of divine blessing and love.


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