This Shot at Meditation Just Might Work
Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Parent who is in secret. And your Parent who sees in secret will reward you.”
As I have shared in numerous devotions, I struggle with meditation. Meditation is a powerful tool to relax and come into a deeper, more spiritual place. Meditation is good for the physical body and one’s emotional wellbeing, along with providing an opening for the soul’s communion with the Holy Spirit. Finding a form of meditation that will keep me focused and committed to over the long haul is my challenge.
In the last few months, I read something about a Buddhist monk practicing a simple but profound form of “box” mediation. First, the monk counts to five slowly as he takes in a deep breath. Then, he counts to five again while holding his breath. Then, lets the air out slowly while counting to five. Finally, the box meditation concludes with counting to five with empty lungs. Then, the “box” meditation starts again. The “box” meditation process is done over and over for whatever time you choose. Start with a short number of boxes and then increase your series of boxes over time. I recommend starting with meditation for five minutes and then expanding the time each week. Be sure to set a timer so you do not have to break concentration, looking to see how much time remains in your mediative process.
It is a simple step to making this Buddhist practice into Christian meditative practice. For example, rather than counting to five, I pray the following five words instead, “I love you Lord, Jesus.” Offering this mantra to God over and over provides a rhythm to prayer that provides the physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort we all long to experience.
Today, pray this “box” meditation for five minutes. Everyone has five minutes. Practicing the “box” meditation right before you roll over and fall asleep can also help you relax and sleep more deeply. Doing the meditation for five minutes before you get out of bed will help you wake up with energy, inviting God into your day. God will bless your meditation, which will help you meet the world with a relaxed, spiritual mindset. It is working for me at the moment.