The Many Faces of Joy
Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,… ”
The word “joy” in the New Testament Greek is chara which means “a feeling of inner gladness, delight, or rejoicing.” “Joy is part of God’s very essence” and the Holy Spirit manifests this joy in God’s children. This joy is one of the fruits of the spirit. The recognition of the Spirit within you can be found in the joy you feel. Now realize, joy is not the same as “fun,” “happiness,” or even “contentment.” Joy is a supernatural word. It is a feeling that is a gift beyond your mind’s ability to conjure. Joy is an expression of the Divine. A gift from God.
Rather than just look at the word “joy” from an intellectual, theological perspective, I began to consider joy from my own experience. The most amazing experiences of joy in my life were my wedding day, the day our daughter was born, her wedding day, and the day our grandson was born. These experiences of joy are familial.
I also experience joy in other ways as well. I felt joy last Sunday while listening to the choir sing. They sang an anthem entitled, “The Gift of Love,” by Hal Hopson. It was not only sung well, and the lyrics were meaningful, but it blended so well with the overall service. The mood and tone spoke to my heart in a joyous way. Different types of good music produce joy within me.
I also find joy spending time with children. Their laughter and glee are inspiring. Teaching them and watching their faces as they understand is joyous for me. Even just playing with children is a joy. No one has more fun than I do while playing bitty bells (except perhaps my playing partner, Gary Hartsock). They play with such reckless abandon and do so with single-minded devotion to whatever is before them.
Perhaps joy is something I cannot explain, but simply must experience. Maybe you experience joy the same way. What brings joy to your life? Perhaps it is dancing to disco music in your pajamas. Maybe it is sending your check to the church accountant, Ruth Bloxham, in an illegible manner, so she has to call you back. There is joy in just visiting with Ruth, but if you do it too many times, she will catch on, so experience that particular joy sparingly.