The Courage to Face What Comes
Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. ”
Last weekend I was in Minnesota spending time with my brother and his wife. My brother has some serious health issues, and I was blessed to have taken the time to be with them before his first surgery. I don’t know why I was surprised; I spend time with people all the time who have serious health issues. What made me think my family would not be adversely affected by health issues? My mother died eight years ago, but worrying about my little brother’s health was a shock.
Perhaps it is because he is younger. Maybe it was emotional avoidance or just wanting to focus on the positive. No, it was just living life. Perhaps it is ok to be surprised by bad news rather than constantly planning for the worst. What I am learning through this experience is, control is a fallacy. Change is inevitable.
My brother and I took walks and talked. He lives in the same city where we lived with my grandmother. We shared old memories and laughed a lot. Rather than be frustrated with the situation, we unconsciously celebrated the blessings of family, friends, and life experiences. We were just two boys again, walking the same paths we did forty-five or fifty years before. It reminded me of the gifts God has given us and will continue to provide.
Today, ask God to give you the gift of enjoying those special people in your life. Appreciate the moments of your life with those you love. Trust God to be God. When challenges slap you in the face, stop trying to fix them, and just let the Holy Spirit guide you through the experience. Have the courage to live in the discomfort and be a supportive presence. Allow God to work out the challenges in life with confidence and Divine trust.