Teens and Young Adults Disconnected

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.
— (1 Corinthians 7:17)

Oh great, another survey. This time The Wall Street Journal discusses how, “in recent years,” young adults and teens feel disconnected from their religion’s houses of worship. Again, it appears to be factual for all three Monotheistic religions. Half of young people ages 13 to 25 surveyed said they don’t think that religious institutions care as much as they do about issues that matter to them.” It is too easy to claim it is incumbent upon this young generation to get off their rear-ends and find a church that fits their values.

The Wall Street Journal said, “The biggest disconnect involves LGBT rights.” It is easy to say, “well, send them our way.” Not all churches are the same. Rather than turn on the young generation and make them responsible for finding us, it is incumbent upon each house of worship to share our story, beliefs, and message, so others find an open door.

The survey implies thousands, if not millions of young people in this country, who are in an existential and spiritual crisis. Therefore, we are called to reach out loudly to young adults and teens so each one can find a religious community they feel God has called them to serve.

Today, pray for our teens and young adults. It is easier to fall away from any faith than listening to God’s Spirit, leading to the proper faith community for them. Help each young person learn the opportunities and blessings that come from finding the faith community that best meets their spiritual needs. God blesses diverse faith communities hoping that all will find a place where each person can find communion with an all-loving God.


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