Left-Brain, Right-Brain Christians

God is spirit, and those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24)

In my college years, cognitive neuroscience influenced creativity and learning through the distinctiveness of left and right-brain thinking. My art professors were interested in how cognitive study could impact our understanding and motivation in producing meaningful artistic expression. In his book, Job and the Mystery of Suffering, Richard Rohr challenges the faithful to consider the implications of our brain’s hardwiring in the development of our natural spiritual identity.

Rohr describes the left-brain, right-brain cognitive study: "The right brain knows reality synthetically, holistically. It doesn’t take things apart but rather puts things together. It looks less at text and more at context.”  Meanwhile, “The left brain prefers analysis as a method of knowing reality.” Either-or thinking” is analytical and more comfortable for left-brain followers. Rohr takes this knowledge and argues that much of Western Christianity has been left brain focused. Left-Brain, analytical thinking’s dominance is why there are so many denominational splits and often leads to heaven or hell demands.

Rohr challenges us to enlarge our spirituality to embrace both left and right-brain expressions. Naturally, we will have our comfortable inclination, but God calls us to massage our opposite so we become more well-rounded in our relationship with God and others. At our most faithful, we are orderly and creative, firm in our convictions yet open to new ideas. When we affirm the left and right halves of our brain, we become twice as available to the Spirit of the living God.

Today, consider which side of your brain is your natural, go-to side. There are reputable online tests you can take if you are unsure which side of your brain is most comfortable for you. Next, list spiritual practices you think are natural for left-brainers and then a list for those right-brainers would enjoy. Picks some from the list of your less dominant side and practice them today. The more well-rounded you become, the more open you are to the unique blessings of God in your life.


Be Who God Called You To Be


The Silence of Solitude