Submission But Not Obedience

written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than humans.
— Acts 5:29

We all love the faith when it is convenient and fits within our worldview. Yet, God calls the faithful to upend our preconceived notions. For example, Hebrews 13:14 announces, “For here we have no lasting city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.” Our earthly city, state, and even nation is not our lasting home. While we live in a specific place and time, we must reserve ultimate allegiance for a kingdom far more significant than any kingdom in this world. “The city that is to come,” is “the new Jerusalem” described in Revelation 21. Instead of making our state or nation our primary residence, God calls us to embrace our citizenship in the heavenly kingdom, requiring us to remain “aliens and exiles” while we continue on Earth.

 As Christians, we are spiritually related to the Biblical Israelites. Therefore, our spiritual familiar ancestors were exiles in Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and Rome. Historically, the Jewish and Christian communities were often at odds with the nations and empires where they resided. As Dr. Preston Sprinkle puts it, “Christians live in a kind of moral exile; that is, they by a different ethical standard.” We are to live in our earthly nation and follow laws as long as those laws are not in conflict with God’s laws. To be exiled is to be children of the “diaspora,” the “dispersed” people. Our people are not just other Americans; more importantly, our siblings are the faithful, no matter where they are dispersed.

 In Acts 2:11-4:11, Sprinkle states, “Peter begins by reminding Christians that they are ‘foreigners and exiles’ and are therefore to live differently from the people around them.” Even our American democracy, like all human institutions, is imperfect. It is incumbent upon the faithful to nurture the Spirit’s wisdom so we can speak truth to power and honor our true divine leader. Dr. Sprinkle continues, “Submission is different from obedience.” We should submit to the earthly nation where we reside unless the country is at odds with God’s justice. Yet, we reserve obedience for God and the heavenly kingdom alone.

Today, pray for the wisdom to know the difference between the earthly and heavenly kingdoms. Ask God for our courage to submit to our nation, but only remain obedient to God alone. Help all the Earth’s nations acknowledge our innate sinfulness, which taints all governments. In our patriotic society, it can seem inappropriate to submit but not be obedient to the USA. We can be patriotic, committed citizens in our country while remaining obedient to God. First, this theology might seem radical, but it should be accepted, for God is our ultimate authority now and for all eternity. 


Creating a Meaningful Life