Creating a Meaningful Life

written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.
— Romans 8:26

The Judeo-Christian tradition is a religion founded on study and learning. We are people of The Book, the Bible. The Bible contains laws, stories, parables, history, poetry, wisdom, literature, prophecy, and teachings. The Bible teaches us how to learn by giving us avenues to glean wisdom. Along with the knowledge treasure-trove that is our sacred Bible, God gifts us through the Holy Spirit.

 God speaks and lives within us through the intimate power of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost opens the world to us, allowing all people, knowledge, and situations to become divine teachable moments. The Scriptures describe how God worked in the lives of the Biblical characters. Through empathetic study, God weaves wisdom and care into our thoughts. The words, stories, and examples in Scripture come to life as we prayerfully open ourselves to God in study and worship. 

 The Holy Spirit transforms our lives by influencing our outlook, thoughts, and actions. We become more self-confident and comfortable in our skin because we know God is intimately guiding our lives. We become more accepting of ourselves and others because we can see beyond the momentary challenge and witness the long-term blessing of God’s eternal presence in our lives, influencing the new heaven and the new earth.

 God’s call for our lives is to keep moving forward, not letting setbacks influence God’s sacred future. Trust God to provide a spiritual perspective that does not allow other people to affect the core of our being negatively. The Spirit’s faithful perspective offers the confidence and determination to step into the world’s pain and injustice. Keep learning because God’s infinite wisdom provides growth, healthy satisfaction, and the motivation to make meaningful changes in God’s name. The Spirit provides a life worth living and a heart and mind open to loving transformation.


Submission But Not Obedience


Warding Off the Fear of Our Demise