Developing a Deep Relationship With God

For top this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. (1 Timothy 4:10)

The Christian faith is not primarily about following rules. The Scribes and Pharisees learned the false value of rules from Jesus. The Christian faith is also not based on affirming the correct theology. Good theology is essential to strive for, but it is not the end-all-be-all of the Christian life. Primarily, the Christian faith is a life in relationship. A relationship with our Triune God and a relationship lived out in the community of faith.

Since a relationship is foundational, evaluating what we bring to the relationship is crucial. In other words, as Socrates would say, “Know Thyself.” Only when you know yourself can you be meaningfully available to God and others. In “How to Re-Connect With and Stay True to Your Authentic Self,” David Wang helps readers embrace their authentic selves. Wang calls us to perform an “identity audit.”

Wang begins the identity audit by encouraging us to participate in the following Thought Experiment by asking, “If there was no one else in the world to judge me, pressure me, influence me, who would I choose to be? What would I genuinely value?” Go ahead and write down what you would genuinely value under those circumstances. Then, “Create Your Identity Record” over the next few days, write down when you acted in a way that affirmed what you genuinely value. Next, write down when you responded in a way that denied what you value. Finally, the hard part is to write down why you chose not to follow what you value.

The more honest you can be with yourself, the more meaning you will glean from your reflections. Honesty is a demanding and uncomfortable expectation. Understanding your work with your thoughts is a courageous act. There will probably be reflections you would be embarrassed for people to read, and those are often the most important to acknowledge. Keep them safe so you can feel comfortable writing your truth. Finally, do not worry that God will find out if you write them down. God already knows, and sharing will only bring healing because it helps you realize God loves you just as you are.


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