Reach Out and Take God’s Hand
written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”
Every self-help pundit has a sure-fire way to guide us through the challenging pandemic time. Almost everyone I read comes up with marvelous actions like eat better, sleep more, or exercise till you drop. They come up with every opportunity to avoid talking about faith.
If there was ever a moment to turn to God, it is now. We cannot do it alone. The isolation, the economic uncertainty, the ongoing threat of new virus strains, are all reminders that control is an illusion. We are blessed with an Almighty God who wants to be in relationship with us. It is truly shocking that all of us too often ignore God’s still small voice. Worse, there are so many that choose to believe God doesn’t exist without even trying to make sure they aren’t wrong.
The promise of God’s hand in our lives will guide us through this uncertain time. Knowing our lives are not simply tossed about by fate helps us realize that at some point God will heal and restore our world. Trusting in that promise with patience and trust gives us the confidence to meet each day with hope.
This hope gives us the inner joy to find humor and happiness even in the darkest times. As bad as this pandemic has been, there have been joyous moments. My wife and I have mentioned repeatedly how spending so much more time together has been a blessing. We even feel a bit guilty about it because we know there are others who are weathering the pandemic alone. We have cooked together more, talked more, and just been together more. I am glad we’ve had this opportunity to experience each other this way, and not resorted to complaining about what we are missing.
Today, rather than focusing on all the struggles in our world today, take a few minutes to remember what you still have today. Even if your situation is so negative, you cannot come up with much, focus anew on the gift of God. Prayerfully picture in your mind, the very hand of God reaching out to you. There is no greater gift in this world, and it is available to you and me. Reach out and take God’s hand. Doing so will ease your burden and bring divine light to the darkness.