Making the Right Choice

“Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

This passage challenges me each new day. As a minister, it is a daily balance between doing what pleases God and that which brings approval from church members. It is such a joy when what pleases God also pleases church members. When I feel that God and individuals are at odds, my ministry is anything but joyous. It can create spiritual, emotional, and physical turmoil. If I side with God, will I alienate members? How many can I alienate before the church suffers? Will God still be pleased if members are alienated and leave the church?

My decisions can even be more selfish. “Will I be able to provide for my family if the church decides it is easier to get rid of me than face the adversity?” One of the biggest challenges for a pastor is to put aside self-interest and affirm the pastoral call to do God’s will despite the consequences.

Balancing human and divine approval is an ongoing challenge for more than just pastors. You must also face the temptation to seek human approval at the expense of God’s Will. Do I do inappropriate things in Las Vegas, believing that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?” Am I willing to invest in a stock I know uses third-world child labor but makes more money for my portfolio than any other available stock? Do I take the job that will provide more for my family but will have me working so much that I will rarely be in church?

Today, ask God to guide your decision-making. What are the temptations in your life that have the potential to drive you away from God? When do you feel you must choose between individuals in your life and your faith? Answering these questions will help bring the challenges to light and help you address them faithfully. Seeking “human approval” may bring momentary satisfaction, but God’s approval brings joy for all eternity.

This devotion was originally published in August of 2017


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