Large Miracles Come In Several Small Acts

And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs. (Mark 16:20)

Many people give up on faith because they claim, “God hasn’t changed my life.” Rarely in human history has God performed huge, recognizable miracles. If God passed out daily miracles, people would take them for granted. Further, if we constantly expected miracles, we would stop taking responsibility for our growth. Instead, God often works subtly to help us participate in a process that can lead to growth and transformation that is occasionally miraculous.

I witnessed a miracle take place several years ago. Family Promise, which provides shelter and training for the homeless to keep the family together, stayed overnight in a local church’s former parsonage. They stayed during the day at Westminster and then moved to the home at night, and different churches took their turn staying with the families, providing care and a listening ear. I happened to be there for dinner that evening and slept over. I visited with two moms. They cared for each other in the shelter, watching each other’s children and taking turns sleeping. They each had a child under ten, and one of the women had an infant. Imagine keeping up with feeding, keeping the child warm, and diapers when all you own in the world is in one backpack. We hit it off, and we talked for hours.

A few months later, my daughter needed to perform a senior project for college, and I put her in touch with one of the women I met that night. My daughter and I witnessed a series of tiny acts of the Holy Spirit that became a miracle. In the two weeks, my daughter had to make a video for the project; the woman left homelessness, was able to start a job, and moved into her new home with her sweet daughter. The woman’s miracle didn’t happen overnight but took several steps, including her diligent commitment and God’s placing the right people in her path.

God brought this woman to Family Promise. God provided people with compassion and wisdom opportunities to invest in this woman by issuing a job. Many people from different churches brought respect and hope to this woman while she believed anew in opportunities for success. A decade later, she and her daughter are still doing well! Trust God to bring miracles to your life, but look for them in small, meaningful ways that lead to profound transformation. God will change your life if you work hard and remain humbly open to the Spirit’s guidance.


Making a Difference for our Young Ones


Developing the Ability to Say, “Hear I Stand”