Get Somewhere

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says she has faith but does not have works?
— (James 2:14)

I love the old Erma Bombeck quote, “Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.” Often, worry comes from overthinking something. We consider every eventuality, and there are more ways to fail than succeed. If we focus on every potential failure, we can quickly become frozen with indecision. Throughout my life, I’ve known incredibly brilliant people who failed to succeed because they were so bright, they could not shut off the brain long enough to act on a goal.

Thomas Oppong writes in his article, “Action is The Antagonist to Overthinking,” which calls us to “break the cycle by taking a proactive step.” Unless we step off a cliff, any step we take can be adjusted and refined. It is when we never take action that failure is secured.

I’ve always been troubled when I hear someone claim they do not know how to pray or are afraid they are doing it wrong. In a paralyzing situation, follow the Nike commercial’s recommendation and, “Just Do It.” If you find yourself frozen into inactivity, ask yourself, “What is the worst that can happen?” 99% of the time, the worst-case scenario isn’t as bad as remaining inactive.

Today, think back at moments in your life when you were frozen in place and could not move forward with your goal(s). Ask yourself, “What do you think caused your inability to move forward?” Once you name the issue, it is easier to address the problems and meet your goals. God has plans for your life. The more you are left paralyzed, the less you can accomplish, and you are less often willing to risk for something important. God usually expects a lot from us, and it is a shame when our issues get in the way of God’s mission. Pray for the courage to act and the wisdom to adjust so that we can make a meaningful difference in God’s name.


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