Finding Energy by Focusing Beyond Myself

written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
— Isaiah 41:10

In the last 30 days, I’ve had three large weddings and three funerals, or celebrations of life. I was drained by six special services on top of the other demands and preparation for the fall. It is challenging to remain creatively and spiritually focused for many days without a break or day off. I wasn’t alone; the entire staff had been working diligently and on alert. Rather than allow burnout to fester, I had to look for support in one of my books. I found help in Don Clifton. Don Clifton is retired as the CEO of Gallop Polling Corporation and creator of the StrengthsFinder online assessment tool. He is also the author of the meaningful book It’s Not About You.

 I appreciated and embraced Clifton’s wisdom when he said, “There is nothing in life more liberating and energizing than getting over yourself. When you move past self, life is simpler and less stressful.” I wanted each wedding and funeral to be perfect, and it was filling me with stress, which limited my creativity. I could relax and think again when I heeded Clifton’s challenge to move past self.

 Clifton challenges the reader, “Life is about what you put back into the world, not what you take out of it.” This month wasn’t about not having time for myself but about what I could give to those at each wedding and funeral. Then, Clifton rechallenged me, “Let go of what’s beyond your control.” I needed the reminder. Events like weddings and funerals have numerous moving parts, and trying to control it all will leave you in knots. When I prayerfully offered my frustration and lack of control over to God, I reclaimed my focus and comfort level.

 I cannot imagine what your struggles are at this moment. I can only offer you a little of Don Clifton’s experience and cover it in the Holy Spirit’s care. “In the end, you are what you contributed to the world.” Rather than complain about what you don’t have, time, money, rest, or some other desire, focus on this day and how you can contribute to the world as God’s ambassador in large and small ways.


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