Confidence can be a Virtue

Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has as great reward. (Hebrews 10:35)

God hates arrogance! Yet, God struggles to use those too insecure to act. When I was young, I knew many people with grandiose dreams but little or no process to fulfill their desires. Confidence with integrity is a learned skill. While a few people have a narcissistic disorder, most struggle with not feeling confident enough to meet their divine call. Confidence is not a sin but a solid emotional health prerequisite. Most of us could benefit from a bit of confidence coaching.

Once again, I lean on Nick Wignall for support. In his article “4 Mindset Shifts That Will Boost Your Confidence,” you and I are challenged to “Shift your expectations from idealistic to realistic.” Of course, it is good to live with dreams, but if you want to take them seriously, you need to create a viable plan and a process for implementation. Otherwise, you are just living a fantasy, and fantasies just lead to frustration and disappointment.

Second, Wignall asks us to “Shift your judgments from moral to mechanical.” Moral judgments shift through time, creating intense guilt when shame is the motivator. Mechanical judgments require rational information. Saint Vincent De Paul said, “Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances.” Sure, we will occasionally get burned, but we will mostly witness people stepping up and meeting the challenge. When we see others improve, it boosts our trust so we can also step up.

Finally, Wignall expects us to “Shift your criticism from people to actions.” Criticism of others and self diminishes while focusing on actions. It is less prejudicial and fairer. Understanding is possible when you focus on what you and others do, and confidence increases. Today, prayerfully seek to increase your confidence. Momentarily put aside the internal voice warning you not to be arrogant and strive to be faithfully confident. Make a difference for God by stepping up with confidence and love.


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