Churches are Uniquely Qualified
by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing..”
I was reading an article in the newspaper (online) that described the concern that society is lonely and shared the concern that if many of us continue to work online rather than in the office, isolation will only worsen. Through my over 30 years of ministry, I have watched friends, family, and neighbors become more isolated and alone. Our society works 15 percent more than in the 1960s, we live further away from our extended family, we have hundreds of channels to stream, and we spend a lot more time on social media than simply being social.
Then, I read an article by Tracey Folly entitled, “Most People Have No Real Friends.” She asks, “If you needed a ride to the airport, whom would you call?” Folly points out, “I’ve come to the realization that most people in life have no real friends. No confidants. No shoulder to lean on when things get difficult. This is a harsh judgment, but it’s based on my own experience living as an adult with few close friends. It’s been exhausting, and I’m sure most people feel similarly.” She goes on to describe the realization of her loneliness.
Folly’s article does not provide answers. It is simply a manifesto of pain and fatalism. She concludes with, “Once the pandemic ends, and it’s safe to enter the real world again, I’d love to make some friends, but I don’t even know how to make new friends in 2021. What I do know is that I probably won’t ask them for a ride. I’ll continue using Uber for that.”
I felt so sad for Tracey Folly. I wish she lived in Des Moines so that I could invite her to our church. God’s churches are uniquely centered to meet Tracey’s needs. Plus, churches worldwide can bring people together as the brothers and sisters they are in the faith with so many others in need. Even those who claim no religion can remain cared for and loved. We have the children, grandparents, and everyone in between. We can reach out and love one another as friends and family. I pray Tracey finds a church so she can experience good friends and renewed joy in life.