Balancing Worldly Demands

written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
— Psa. 90:12

When I hear the phrase, number our days, it makes me think of human mortality. We are all going to die. No matter how many "age-defying" pills and creams promise to slow or reverse the aging process, we are going to die. Yet, the phrase, number our days is more than just a warning. To number our days is an active phrase that calls the faithful to action. Since our days are numbered, God calls the faithful to do something meaningful with the days we are given.

Numbering our days is a two-edged sword. If we are lazy and waste time too quickly, our lives come to their inevitable conclusion, and we mourn the ways we wasted the life God gave us. Yet, when we take time seriously, we can schedule every waking moment of work diligently, yet, in the end, we look back and realize we've not looked up from our work and lived meaningfully. The most common disappointment with people toward the end of life is not focusing more on their families.

Numbering our days requires divine wisdom. A meaningful life is like "Lady Justice," standing with her scales and blindfold. A blessed life calls us to every decision, value, and demand of our time. If we thought about the intentional weight of every decision, we would quickly become overwhelmed. In our indecision, God steps in. We trust God to guide our unconscious decision-making and conscious choices through prayer. We do a better job of balancing our life scales when we give the Holy Spirit more control. 

Today, reflect on moments throughout your life and how the scales' directions moved. Celebrate the moments when you recognize healthy decision-making. Be honest in your reflections, but do not browbeat yourself for errors. Recognize none of us are perfect. Instead, appreciate the times you should have responded differently as internal teachable moments. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your memories and transform your actions so divinely led choices will guide your scales. Remember, the past is our personal history lesson for an even better future.


Responding Faithfully in Horrific Times