Take Back Your Life!

Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. (Proverbs 3:6)

Looking back on my life, I wish I had the time back I wasted on meaningless obligations. As I've gotten older, I am more protective of my time. If you do not covet your time, others will try and take it from you. Church is a place notorious for stealing time. There is always more to do than time permits. At any given moment, at least 10% of the congregation is in need. That means 100 people could use my support every moment of every day. Often, I feel like I am in an ongoing episode of the old television show, "Mash," with constant triage. Voices are crying out and not getting to everyone in need. No wonder many of my sleep moments include dreams of not getting to a person or situation in time. I am sure I am not alone in feeling like time rules me rather than having control over my time.

In "The Most Productive People I Know Have These Simple Habits," Tim Denning seeks to help us regain control of our time. Under the heading, "This is the #1 time to start an important task.", Denning recommends doing important tasks, even when you’re busy. Being busy is an excuse that keeps us from tackling life's meaningful activities. Bosses, spouses, kids, friends, everyone wants to control our time. It takes a wise and strong person to prioritize and stick to it. They who cry the loudest get the attention. Yet, that is unfair to those in need who remain quiet. Be strong, stick to your priorities, and own your time!

Next, Denning calls us to "Get up close and dirty with productivity guilt." Denning warns, "When you're ambitious and building a life for yourself, it's easy to feel guilty when you're not working or doing productive tasks." Yet, this attitude is a short-term comfort with negative long-term consequences. When you are "busy" all the time, you feel productive yet lose creative energy, which leads to intellectual lethargy and burnout. Denning continues by announcing, "When you're worn out the way you see the world changes." Denning describes the process, "A tired mind sees problems everywhere. A tired mind can't think of a positive thing to say. A tired mind thinks me, me, me all day." We become the very thing we've tried our entire life not to be!

Fight hard to take back your life. God did not intend for you to be a machine. Our creativity helps us recognize that we are in God's image. Do not let anyone take your creative mind and heart. You are too valuable to be robbed of your uniqueness and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading. You cannot hear God's still, small voice if you run in all directions. Today, sit down and begin reorganizing your priorities so you can take back your life! Pray through the process because when God is part of the plan, it is more likely to be accomplished. Don't let yourself feel out of control another day!


First, Shut Up and Listen!


Sharing Knowledge with Your Younger Self