The Meritorious Acts of a Mama Deer

That the person of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17)

Spring is a beautiful time of year. The tree buds have turned to lush leaves. Flowers bloom, and the mama deer show off their babies in our backyard. The Mama has a right to be proud because they carried their little ones safely to term, endured the discomfort of birth, and taught their young ones how to become independent. Yet, Mama’s example begs the question, “How much merit does Mama deserve?

Mama is doing a great job raising her babies. She feeds them even when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable. She courageously forces her babies to hide in the woods alone, teaching them discipline and the skills necessary to live into adulthood. Yet, much of the credit is beyond Mama’s control. God cared for Mama throughout her pregnancy, keeping her safe from physical complications and car accidents and ensuring the crazy lady kept feeding her and her friends every day during the winter.

Like the mama deer, our merits are not as clear-cut as might first appear. We do not perform our meritorious acts in a vacuum. Every Sunday, I enter the pulpit; I can only speak because God helps provide the words. I learned how to speak in front of people with the guidance of an excellent speech teacher and brilliant drama directors. I knew what to say from inspired teachers and professors. I learned why to say it from hundreds of mentors throughout my life. I merit little credit for any small achievements I’ve accomplished. The same is true for all of us. Our only response can be gratitude.

Today, reflect on your achievements. First, thank God for placing you in a position to succeed. Then, think about all the people who helped build you into who you are today. Each one can take credit for your meritorious acts. Finally, consider how you can be a small part of others' success in life. Others will only be productive when we step up and assist. My wife and I believe the mama deer share their young with us in our backyard because, at some level, they know our corn helped make their babies healthy. Share yourself! There is as much joy in sharing other’s merits as the ones we take credit for achieving.


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