Year of Kindness
WPC began “A Year of Kindness” on October 2nd with a unique worship service on World Communion Sunday. “A Year of Kindness” is a conscious effort to work with God to make our small piece of the world just a little kinder.
We started the year and continue with Kindness Bags to give out when we see someone in need. Members donate items and volunteers help assemble the bags; kindness bags are available at the top of the Allison and Franklin entrances. The kindness bingo challenge occurred in February and March. Lots of members of all ages completed the bingo cards – many multiple times! On May 14, we introduced Flat Jesus as a way to take Jesus with you. In July the Connections Committee issued the challenge of spreading kindness by volunteering in our community. There were and are lots of opportunities to volunteer!
Let’s wind down the Year of Kindness by focusing on ourselves. Make yourself a priority. Below are examples of acts kindness that you can do for yourself daily:
Give yourself time in the morning. Give yourself a break every day for activities that you enjoy; taking a walk, meditation, reading or whatever works for you.
Appreciate all that goes well. Instead of focusing on what went wrong in the day, appreciate all the little things that go well in our day.
Pay attention to yourself. Stay in tune with your body. Invest time in self-care.
Choose compassion. Remind yourself that no one is perfect, be kind to yourself and tolerate mistakes.
Kindness begins with taking care of ourselves!