Parents- Here’s Why You Should Give Wednesday Nights a Try!

Starting September 14 our Wednesday night gathering returns! We know that schedules for families can get chaotic so here is why you’ll want to carve out time for Wednesdays at Westminster.

You don’t have to cook dinner!

We have a beautiful, kid-friendly, dinner that starts at 5:40 p.m. Meals include taco bar, pasta bar, pizza, burgers, pancakes with sausage and more. Dinner is in Westminster Hall (directly under the Sanctuary.) There is no cost for the meal, a free-will donation basket is at the entrance to Westminster Hall.

You can have some free time!

Drop the kids off for dinner and then go run some errands. Just be back by 7:00 p.m. to pick them up. You are also very welcome to stay and eat with us and then relax at the church. After dinner here are our activities for adults:

Parents Lounge – take a break in Simmerman Lounge (across from the office and nursery) and enjoy some quiet time. Check your e-mails, get some work done or catch up on Tik-Toks, we’ll make sure you have good Wi-Fi.

Choir- Westminster Chorale meets from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. every Wednesday. If you’d like to join the choir and need someone to watch your child from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. let Laura know!

Men’s Group- Westminster’s Men’s group is group of gentlemen that meet weekly. They discuss current topics, have a small lesson and enjoy each other’s company. Pastor Ken leads this group.

Your Kids will Learn more about their Faith!

Through stories, games and art your children will learn more about the Bible and our faith foundation. Four-year-olds to Senior High students have classes designed for their age level. Classes meet from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. (Confirmation is 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.) We save our messiest and silliest games and projects for Wednesday nights. New this year, right after dinner we will have a music lessons for PK-5th graders. Kids will be leading the kids in singing, instruments and more.

Wednesday Nights Are A Lot of Fun! We’d love to have everyone join us for dinner! If you have any questions please contact Laura at


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