CROSS Outreach Fundraiser

For many years CROSS Outreach (previously known as CROSS Ministries) has been a leader in supporting the prevention of homelessness in central Iowa. But CROSS took a hit from the COVID pandemic, leading to the cancellation of the sixth annual CROSS Trivia Night last year. This presented a challenge, but we can’t allow that to keep us from helping CROSS Outreach in 2021! The need still exists – now more than ever!!

This year, Westminster Presbyterian Church will have an online fund raiser to help CROSS. All proceeds will help CROSS with its mission—preventing homelessness with compassion.

Letters will be sent out to surrounding Presbyterian churches and members of our congregation who have participated in the CROSS Silent Auction, asking for their help.

Our goals for this fundraiser:

  1. Raise at least $10,000 for CROSS Outreach.

  2. Increase the visibility of CROSS Outreach throughout the community—both for organizations who already support CROSS, and for groups and individuals who are not yet aware of this valuable mission.

If you are interested in helping the mission of CROSS, we ask that you do two things:

Please go to to sign up for one of the listed donations. You will see a listing of what each donation will do to assist CROSS with its mission.

Make your contribution by making a payment online at and choose CROSS Outreach in the fund dropdown, or send a check payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church, 4114 Allison Ave., Des Moines, IA 50310, with CROSS Outreach listed on the memo line.

If you contribute to this CROSS fundraiser between April 25 and May 9, you will be entered in a drawing. The winner will receive five delicious pies - winner’s choice of flavors - from Sweets by JoAnn. The winner may request all at one time or spread out the deliciousness over several months.

A save the date will be coming out soon for CROSS Trivia Night 2022!


Confirmation Class of 2021


A Message from Seth Austin