$303,000 Gift to Westminster Church
The Westminster Society was formed in 2001 to honor faithful contributors to the Westminster Foundation who designated the Foundation in their estate plans, or in making direct gifts totaling $1,000. In January of each year, earnings and growth from gifts by Westminster Society members to the Westminster Foundation are calculated and then distributed to our Church throughout the year. During 2021, $303,000 will be paid to the Church for restricted and general budget spending by the Session.
In 1974, the Foundation was created, “for the exclusive purpose of advancing, supporting and assisting the religious and charitable missions of Westminster Presbyterian Church.” Dick and Joann Sargent made the initial gift to the Foundation and hundreds have followed their generous example resulting in a continuing impact to Westminster Presbyterian Church and its mission.
The Foundation is a separate legal entity from our Church that is tax exempt and can invest gifts for long-term growth and appreciation. Our Church, however, must spend stewardship gifts for the mission and ministry of the Church on primarily an annual basis. Tax laws can penalize the Church for investing general operating funds.
The Foundation urges Church members to support stewardship FIRST and gifts to the Foundation SECOND through estate and planned gifts. The Westminster Society recognizes the Saints’ generosity and willingness to step beyond stewardship by giving to the future financial security of our Church. Since 2001, earnings and growth of the Foundation assets have generated annual gifts between $280,000 to $330,000 to the Church. Those gifts total $6,000,000 and in 2014, the Foundation also forgave a church loan in the amount of $1,800,000. The value of the Saints’ original gifts will not be spent.
To learn more about how you can make gifts or bequests that will have lasting impact on Westminster Presbyterian Church and its ministries, please contact
Scott Blacketer, Foundation President, at sblacketer8837@msn.com or
Matt Crooks, Business Manager, at 515-274-1534, matt@westpres.org.
the GIFT OF FAITH by Investing in TODAY