SUMMIT Internship 2024
Applications Due: April 23, 2024!
SUMMIT (SUMmer Mission Team) is a summer internship for Westminster’s college-age young adults who want to work in the community to make a difference in the world. SUMMIT provides participants with the opportunity to give of themselves, share their experiences with fellow team members and gain valuable internship experience.
Just the Facts …
SUMMIT begins in early/mid-June and concludes in mid-August.
Team members serve 150 hours over a 10-week period.
SUMMIT includes working in the community and participating in church mission activities.
Each intern receives a $2,500 scholarship for successfully completing SUMMIT. Applicants must designate an educational institution to receive the scholarship funds.
How it works …
Participants work at local social service agencies to help people in need in our community. In past years, interns have been placed at agencies such as Habitat for Humanity, Central Iowa Shelter & Services, Children & Families Ministries, Shalom Community Impact Center and DMARC. Every effort is made to match interns with the agencies that best meet their goals.
Interns also assist with 10 hours of church mission activities such as helping with the shelter meals.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be members of Westminster Presbyterian Church or have been active members of the Westminster Senior Highs. They must be high school graduates (or graduating spring 2024), who are pursuing higher education (college, vocational school, etc.). Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 23 years old. Applications will be reviewed by a committee. All applicants will be considered but the number of SUMMIT Team members is limited. SUMMIT Team Members can serve a total of two summers.
Applying …
Paper application forms are available in the church office. If you would like to submit an online application, please download the form, fill it out, and email it to Susan Denton at
Forms must be received by April 23, 2024, to be considered.
Contact Susan Denton at 274-1534, or with questions.