Where Two or Three or Eight are Gathered

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
— (Matthew 18:20)

During my second year of seminary, I was part of a beautiful small group. We prayed, shared, and cared for one another. Our small group was 37 years ago, and I still fondly remember our time together. The group included seminary students except for one spouse. We were busy with demanding studies, serving churches on the weekend, and unsure whether we could fulfill our call. Still, those two hours together each week, sharing dinner and prayerful support, were valuable, and we rarely ever missed them. Our group time became sacred time and a holy part of each week.

I’ve been blessed with a small group environment where I received encouragement, support, and spiritual guidance at different points in my life. Jesus understood the need to travel the spiritual road in a group. Even the Son of God chose to share life and ministry in a group. These twelve Apostles were not particularly intelligent or faithful. Instead, the twelve Apostles were simply willing!

Even the Apostle Paul, who struck me as a loner, still had his ministry partners in Barnabas, Apollos, and Aquila. Paul was a mentor to other fellow workers, including Timothy, Titus, and Tychicus. Paul also had close relationships with many people in each of the churches he spiritually supported. The scripture passage that states, “where two or three gathered, there I am in your midst,” was not intended to affirm the tiniest groups but to affirm that God intended we share faith in community.

Today, if you are not part of an intentional spiritual small group, consider creating one. Think about what you can receive from the experience. Then, prayerfully consider how you can be a supportive part of a small group. You have something meaningful to offer others. Others also have something to provide you with because you were not intended to walk God’s path alone. Instead, we are called to walk the spiritual journey together through a church and a small group. Where two or three or eight are gathered, God has promised to be in their midst. I’ve felt God’s presence deeply in small group experiences throughout my life. I hope you can experience similar joy in your life as well.


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