What the Heck Is a "To-Be" List?

written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
— Romans 12:2

I was cruising articles I might find thought-provoking and came upon an article that doesn't speak to my heart, but the title triggered something within me. The writer provided a "To-Be" list instead of a "To-Do" list. A "To-Do" list is "A list of items that need to be completed. The items on the list can range from simple activities like replying to an email, to more complex tasks like created project briefs." A "To-Be" list does not focus on specific tasks but centers on particular qualities of life that speak to your values.

 I chose not to quote the above article because it talked about "To-Be" without sharing anything about faith in God. Who we are, as Christians, must be centered on our faith and who God calls us to be at every stage of our lives. My "To-Do" list is very different now than when I was twenty, and it was different at 40 than at twenty or sixty-two. Yet, my "To-Be" list has changed very little in the past forty-two years.

 My "To-Be" list includes being a faithful child of God; a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, friend; a dedicated pastor; a kind neighbor; etc. My "To-Be" list influences my "To-Do" list. Like many of you, I can get pulled in too many directions. When life spirals, I've learned to internally yell, "Stop," and think about what is most important, permitting myself to prioritize, not on who is the loudest, squeaky wheel, but on my "To-Be" list. I ask myself, "Does this demand honor God? Does this demand benefit my family? Does this demand help others?" Following this review process brings clarity and less anxiety as I move forward.

 What is your "To-Be" list? Be intentional and write down your list. The "To-Be" list may seem obvious, but writing your list on paper also writes it in your soul. Keep your paper list close at hand. Put it in your wallet or purse. Occasionally, seeing your "To-Be" list reminds you of its importance. Finally, when you are done writing your list, stop long enough to pray over it. Place your hands on the list, ask God to bless, and allow the Spirit to bring the list to your mind whenever you need it to guide your way. Your way will be made clear as you follow the guidelines on your list.


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