Through Human Shortcomings, We See God at Work
written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“As it is written: ‘There is no one who is righteous, not even one; there is no one who has understanding, there is no one who seeks God.’ ”
The Reformed tradition, which includes Presbyterianism, has a theological premise entitled "Total Depravity." The concept uses the story of Adam and Eve's refusal to trust God in Genesis 3 to declare that all people are born sinful and incapable of being or choosing the good, moral, or sacred way. Total Depravity is reinforced in Ephesians 2:1 when the author states, "You were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once lived…". Yet, amid the despair of Total Depravity, there remains hope.
I've never liked the idea that we are born corrupt, but when you look at human history and even our life experiences, human disappointment is all around us. Thankfully, Total Depravity is not the end of our theological journey. If our depravity is total, then anytime we experience anything loving, kind, sacrificial, or even moral, it must be by the hand of God. It isn't that humans do not possess goodness, but that our attempts to be righteous and loving become distorted apart from God.
Witnessing God requires faith. Faith is founded through one's mindset. Theological concepts like Total Depravity formulate a way of viewing the world that opens the door to a spiritual vision of reality. If our theological view is one of perfection, then no door reveals God. Recognizing that humans are imperfect and distort goodness provides room for our recognition that God intercedes and brings healing and wholeness to our lives. The more imperfect we are, the more we can offer God thanks and praise for our lives and world.
Today, with your emotion and intellect, reflect on how humans distort and fall short of goodness, let alone perfection. Next, think of specific instances when you have experienced human goodness. It will not be too hard to come up with concrete examples. Finally, thank God for the examples of God's loving initiatives all around us. Then, pray for others to recognize, with the eyes of faith, God's presence in love and compassion throughout our world.